Harvest Crusade 2009

If you've come across this site after attending the Harvest Crusade, I'd like to welcome you to this webzine. It is all about what it means to acknowledge Jesus Christ as the One and only Son of God, and to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth as Jesus Himself said in the fourth chapter of John.

The key to this website's concern is that the church today is so infected by the World System that it cannot effectively minister the Truth and Grace that Jesus is. This is really not necessarily new, the World has had its church for millennia, the question is how much have those who have Jesus' name on their lips grafted themselves into that church. While I do believe Harvest Crusade does wonderful things to share Christ with others, if it is contracted as a 501c3 non-profit tax-exempt operation, it is indeed doing formal business with Caesar.

This premise does not in any way reject or censure the World System's legitimate services provided for those who demand them. It is about simply understanding the distinction between the World System and the Kingdom in which Christ reigns, identifying the myriad ways that System promotes counterfeit Christs to keep people paying for its services, and encouraging those who want to be 100% His to end their unnecessary contracts with it.

I enthusiastically invite you to look over some thoughts about it all. The following may help you move about more easily:

You may go straight to the Site Map to peruse what you'd like.

You may also go to a Table of Contents through which you may explore what's here as a book.

You may also go straight to the Q & A detailing how a church makes itself a part of the World System.

For quick reference, I provide a brief thumbnail overview of what this is all about:

1. Each and every individual is someone who does or has done horrible things. Each person was made to reflect the beauty and glory of God, to do wonderful things in this world, but each has messed that up and as such goes around wrecking his or her life and the lives of others. In other words, everyone is a sinner.

2. The only way not to be a sinner anymore is to humbly put one's soul in the hands of Jesus Christ, who is God come in the flesh and who offered His life as the substitute for our punishment because of our sin. He offers to "buy us back" with His blood, or redeem us from our sinfulness, and we may choose to accept His generous gift of life.

(These first two parts of the premise are standard features of the message of Christ. Responses for someone who is not so familiar with them are offered in the Frequently Asked Questions page of this site. The following highlighted parts of the premise are aspects that many Christians question.)

3. Because many would not come to Him to find truth, grace, joy, and peace in His Kingdom, God sent the preeminent evildoer Cain out to build a city and prosecute their sinful conduct. The result is the World System, today administered by the United States Government, the Roman Catholic Church, and the Federal Reserve. All of these institutions collaborate to manage the sin of those who ask them to do so, and they do this by signing any of a number of contracts that signify such a request. (At any time, Jesus would still extend complete forgiveness of that sin and full provision of joy and peace for those who wish to make Him their Lord instead.)

4. Whenever an individual assumes undue W-4 tax liability or his organization (either business or church) incorporates, he presumes non-resident alien status or accepts government employment, and as such he puts himself in the service of the Legacy of Cain. He becomes beholden to the World and with it he endures a constant fearful existence, the agony of violent interactions with others, and the oppressive drudgery of incessantly defending himself from it all. This arrangement is perfectly reasonable for the one who chooses not to follow Christ. For those who name His Name, however, Christ asks for undivided commitment, and in return they receive all His benefits and provisions, chiefly that of being loved and having the capacity to authentically and tangibly love others.

5. The entirety of Scripture confirms that there is a profound dichotomy between those living in the Kingdom by love and those trudging through the World in fear. Again, Jesus invites every single individual to live bountifully with Him in all He has to offer. Not only do many brashly refuse His offer, but they pretend to be His and set up grand elaborate deceptions, some of the most insidious of which involve 501c3 incorporations and all the machinations included therein.

Brief added note about the Harvest Crusade event: After the service several organizations have their members hand out literature. This website is not connected with them at all, though some of what they share may be solidly biblical considerations.

Also, the graphic above is the very same stand-alone image found in Harvest Crusade promotional material. I did nothing to alter the look, kept the frames in the same place in relation to one another, and only excised a thin black strip that separated the two.



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This page was originally posted at yourownjesus.net by David Beck on August 15, 2009