Tupper Saussy was the writer of several books, including Rulers of Evil,
the most telling exposition of the World's powers and principalities outside of
the Bible. He passed away in March of 2007 at the age of 70, but much of his
work can be found at his website. (For
unknown reasons, his website was made unavailable some time during the summer of
Here is a link to the Wayback Internet archive site, you may find it there.)
I have assembled this page for a firm
central link page to items related to him and his work.
Rulers of Evil - An introduction to his book.
(It appears this site has been compromised somehow. You may still read the book
here, the
entirety of the work on PDF.)
"Abiding in Religious War" - His web series written shortly after 9/11 that
was the genesis of the never-published Gods for the Godless. The seminal
part of that work, what I call "The ROE Filter Engine," is
Rulers of Evil synopsis - At the end of 2006 shortly before his
death, Tupper made a request that I write a general synopsis of ROE for
publication in Wikipedia. After sharing it with Tupper, I presented it but the
Wikipedia mandarins
refused to publish it (even though they do have a
page with his
biographical information). I then published it at Amapedia at Amazon, and it
lasted there for a while until Amazon disabled that service. I then submitted it
as a new "Knol" feature at Google, but in April 2012, they disabled
that service.
The synopsis is now at a
rival Wikipedia site, Infogalactic, and they have allowed it to remained
posted as of 2020. An earlier version of this page was at this
WordPress site for some time.
"The Politics of Witchcraft" - Tupper's postscript to his book
Tennessee Waltz.
Honest Things - He got the blogging itch for about a year in 2005. Here
it is, with this link to his first entry, "Death of a Salesman."
"The Most Powerful Man
in the World" - A brief job description of the top string-puller.
Facebook Group for further discussion of the way the World works.
"The Legend Rousseau"
- My attempt at replicating Saussy's quite inimitable style of historical
elucidation. I don't even presume to get close to matching Tupper's skill, but I do touch a bit
on yet another unknown American founding father, one Francisco Suarez.
Remarks on
Tupper's unpublished "How Jesus Rules the United States."
Reconciliation - In a
very profound sense, this is the mission statement for those deeply and
sincerely desiring to be ungrafted to the World. Shouldn't say a thing about it,
really. Check it out for yourself.
Bacchic Gospel - One of Tupper's
most elucidating passages from ROE.
Here is a photograph graphically
portraying the might behind such a condition.
What ROE Teaches Us - Some thoughts
from 2003 about the essential elements of Tupper's work. As I look
at this now I realize the summary could be much more succinct and
pertinent, but it is here for now.
Some of Tupper's final
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A note about Tupper Saussy and his
world view. While I am as you know wholly on board with
everything he elucidates about the World System, particularly
the sophisticated way he explains it all, there are a few
areas I do diverge from him. Three key ones are:
His insistence that a gold standard brings economic
prosperity. While sinful people may need some standard to
set their weights and measures, gold is still horribly
liable to fluctuations in value and the deceitful
machinations of government officials in internationally
interactive value assessments. He made a case in favor of
gold in his
earliest book Miracle on Main Street, and while he made a cogent argument
for the security such a standard can provide, I
can't believe he didn't soften a bit when realizing that it
really doesn't matter, precious
metal or central bank, Cain's legacy
will still exploit vast numbers of people with their wacky value assignments for those who ask it to
do so. If you are a genuine follower of Christ, your value
assessments should be based on His love, not the specious
pronouncements about shiny yellow rocks. The World devotee's
craze today takes the form of an obsession with crypto,
but now instead of schnazzy banker or yellow rocks steadying
the value, it is the algorithm. That's nice, I'm
sure that'll work just fine.
2. His emphasis on cabalah,
particularly that involving numerology. I just don't believe
God cares whether or not we know how many there were of
something for the purpose of serving as some prophetic
declaration, even though some devout Catholicists like to find
obscure meaning in numbers and even fabricate relationships
to demonstrate some kind of gnostic truth. There are even a
few instances in Rulers of Evil in which Tupper
tries to establish some number significance that isn't
really there, such as five mentions of the "Queen of Heaven"
in Jeremiah representing the five points of the pentagram.
It may be the case that certain numerical quantities or
sequences do have some supernatural meaning, and I don't
deny that numbers such as 7 and 12 have some significance,
but that is mostly because of the substance of the items
numbered especially with regards to the note about God's
majesty in the fifth verse of The Revelation's fourth
chapter. I do consider potentates use cabalah as
authoritative signatures as required of them, but I don't
think God holds it against you if you aren't familiar with
the numerology per se, and I simply don't believe it is
nearly as important as some think it is. I should add that
Tupper felt that truly authoritative potentates are allowed
to identify themselves, as required, with the use of
cabalah, and I can't say whether or not it would be
helpful to know that. It certainly may, but those with the
mind of Christ should be able to discern well enough who is ruling on
behalf of Cain's Legacy.
3. His apparent embrace of preterism as an
eschatological truth. In his later years he seemed to
accentuate the principles of preterism as the only
reasonable view; however, preterist interpretations of end
times events - essentially that all of them happened before or in
A.D. 70 - are very weak. Often times preterists dismiss any
valid critique by excusing things as being symbolic or simply
blurting "It's just a bunch of
Jesuit-influenced scholars who support anything not preterist,"
but this doesn't
change the woeful inadequacies of the view. I
personally don't think it is the biggest hill to die on - Scripture is clear about how it will all end up anyway. My
view is simply this. Take a look at any given eschatological verse
of Scripture and prayerfully ask, "Can this be applied to early church
history or the present-age church and the future?"
Indeed some verses are very strong regarding complete
fulfillment in the first century, that's fine. But others
simply cannot be, especially many in the Book of Revelation.
Look for instance at the 13th chapter of Mark, 26th and 27th
verses. That's just one passage, but can you really claim
that this applied only to the "true" Christians at
that time,
that they were the only ones who saw Jesus return and
enjoyed being gathered up from the ends of the earth? Really? It is
truly a stretch to make that claim considering the very
definitive wording in the passage.
These items do not
diminish, however, the powerful meaning of ROE and
the impact of The Catholicist Nation premise. |
This page was originally posted by David Beck at
yourownjesus.net on March 12,