Most men die at 27. We just
bury them at 72. - Mark Twain
Below is a representative sample of all the
ways human sacrifice has been and is carried out outside of the purposes
economy of God. Some forms of human sacrifice were
more likely long ago, others are common only to today, and many of them
traverse time and are always utilized. Frequently a sacrifice is
the same as it has always been, it is just that today it takes a more novel form.
There are two ways to engage in human
sacrifice. One is to take out the entirety of the human life in one
immediate event. The advantage is to maximize the spiritual effect in one full
swoop. The other is to take bits of human life in a gradual process. The
advantage here is to extend the use of the human sacrificed over a longer
period of time, as well as to better conceal the true intentions of the
extractor. The effect is substantially reduced, however, so in
many cases greater numbers of victims are required. This is why
the Romanist powers-that-be and their exploiter wanna-be's find a fully
populated nation of Catholicists particularly beneficial for their purposes.*
The taking-parts-of-human-life sacrifice occurs any time an exploiter slices off some of the exploited's value. More times than not, this is accomplished with the exploited's full consent. Every devoted exploitee in the Catholicist Nation essentially says in his soul, "Manage my decisions
because I am a fool, prevent me from hurting another because I am so
capable of it, and keep me in the loop so I too can be an exploiter."
Quick immediate forms of
human sacrifice |
Slow gradual forms of
human sacrifice |
- Cain's sacrifice of
Abel. This is the quintessential motivation behind human
sacrifice: Rank pride.
Domestic violence. This is the most common form of murder,
those that happen within the home to those closest in
relation such as family members who've enraged one in some
- Murder of another based
on hate, fear, protection of tribal honor (from gang warfare
to geopolitically motivated warfare)
Mass murder of others based on institutionalized genocidal
- Sending people into
war, acceptance of standard number of casualties.
Covert ops. Nations do all kinds of deep background
manipulative things as a form of warfare. Sun-Tzu frequently
spoke of making enemies move at the General's will simply
through tactical ingenuity, achieving victory in light of an
always uncertain number of deaths.
Suppression of dissent. The number of people despots have
made disappear is legion.
- Suicide bombing.
This includes fostering an entire cultural
environment in which suicide bombers are recruited, such as
that in the more radicalized Islamic areas of the Middle
- Abortion.
Each of us starts our life at conception, teleologically so.
What makes the crime of abortion worse, beyond all the
wretchedly evil casuistry that goes into rationalizing it,
are all the laws that place limits on when an abortion may
occur (prohibited after eight weeks, heart beat detected,
fetal pain results, etc). These implicitly declare that
murdering preborn children is perfectly fine before
those limits are reached. This is the height of diabolical,
but it is so readily accepted in the incrementalist-minded
Catholicist society.
- Embryonic Stem Cell
Research. Any use of fully conceived human beings in their
most nascent form for experimental purposes.
- Cloning. While not yet
fully realized, therapeutic cloning (in more technical terms
"Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer"), the making of clones
for instrumental purposes, is rife with human sacrifice
- Euthanasia. Many times
softened with "mercy" rationalizations and accompanied by
"quality of life" casuistry.
- Population Control
* /
Eugenics / Institutionalized Sterilization Programs. It
is hard to believe that as late as the mid-1900's many
Americans were fully invested in eugenics programs and whole
organizations were humming along to make sure we were all
protected from people such as the "feebleminded."
- Widely broadcast climate change
hysteria. When people are seduced by the dread-injecting
alarmism about the ecological condition of a future earth,
they refuse to bear children. In a very real sense they are
being convinced they must prevent children from even being
born. Right now birth rates are dropping to woefully low
levels, especially in industrialized countries, and are
fully inadequate to keep a society vibrant. Celebrated
eugenicist Margaret Sanger in a 1947 interview: "I believe
there should be no more babies."
Suicide. Benjamin Franklin once said, "Nine of every ten men
are suicides." He insightfully observed that most people
destroy themselves with an array of objects, most notably
the bottle. It is quite understandable that people ingest
all kinds of pain-numbing things. Seldom identified are the
persuasive humanist designs used by the World System to move
one to murder himself — deepest state psyops used to move
any disfavored individual susceptible to such a thing to do
the job himself. I must add here that today one of the
most insidious ways the World moves people to commit suicide
is to insist there are alternate "sexual orientations."
Wounded people are gravely confused about the truth of their
sexual identity, and many suffer tremendous emotional
anguish or even kill themselves. What is amazing is that
anyone who insightfully and graciously shares the truth
about sexuality are condemned as bullies and considered the
objects of blame for the tragedies that occur.
- Capital punishment.
Much rarer now are the official executions held in the
modern gallows rooms; they tend to be gruesome and
unpopular. Even lethal injections have come under wide
condemnation. More common are the ways governments of all
sorts take care of business for those whose lives must be
terminated in ways much less messy.
- Fascination with death.
Essentially being a "lookie-loo," morbid voyeurism,
obsession with videos like Faces of Death or
hyperviolence in film. This also includes televising and
viewing car chases, a few of which involve the deaths of
innocent bystanders or the police shooting to death the
Illicit drug overdoses. The wide range of advanced
pharmaceutical pills, potions, and aromas make this
relatively new phenomena in history, although longer ago
sorcery practices utilized certain ingestibles to enhance
desired experiences. Addiction is often involved, and while
some "legal" items like tobacco or alcohol grip the user for
long periods of time, the end result is still the same:
physical death. This may be accelerated by greater or more
immediately intense consumption.
- Physical "medical"
experimentation on humans, particularly that conducted on
incarcerated felons, orphans, mentally or physically
handicapped individuals, soldiers, or racial "inferiors."
When the subject does not die but suffers, this is a form of
partial sacrifice.
- Abusive treatment of confined
individuals, particularly severe mentally disabled patients
that often enough leads to their deaths.
- Elder abuse in senior living
facilities. Often manifest as gross negligence,
maladministration of medication, or just plain physical
- Blatant carelessness in
protecting workers from hazardous working conditions. Coal
mine conditions are particularly deplorable, even in the
United States.
Selective law enforcement incentivizing criminals to commit
murders with impunity. Often this comes with the Frankfurt
School instruction that those considered oppressed by the
hegemony should be permitted to commit crimes as a form of
- Poisoning from
environmental toxins causing malignant cancers, and the
blatant failure of the medical community to properly prevent
and treat such conditions.
Lethal iatrogenesis. Criminal neglect in medical procedures.
- Institutionalized
exploitive sabotage of a society, driving people to migrate
in lethally hazardous conditions leading to their deaths.
Examples include Mexico from which migrants risk death in
the desert to enter the U.S, and African countries from
which migrants risk death at sea to enter Europe.
Gross negligence of infrastructure or habitat management.
Often natural events considered extremely destructive result
in huge casualty numbers that could be avoided if a nation's
leaders did the simple job of properly arranging where
people may live and enforcing simple guidelines regarding
the integrity of their residential units.
Establishment of codependent "public assistance" programs
announcing that Caesar will care for the poor by
expropriating money from others. Because of the economic law
of adverse selection, the programs become woefully
deficient, and the poor are left to die when Caesar's
"loving, caring" agents can't deliver. The classic example
of this is seen clearly in hospital emergency services, when
patients wait so long or left so neglected they end up
dying. The inattention contributing to their deaths is the
result of holding to a false promise. A socialist politician
blaring "We will guarantee your health care!" does not mean
it will be any good. The lack of
medical personnel and facilities needed to handle the
workload is a direct result of failure to ensure their
services are adequately paid-for. Price ceilings kill.
Sodomist enabling propaganda. Anything related to
unconventional sexual expression especially the enthusiastic
promotion of those things, ranging from the most basic
homosexual activity to the gruesome bodily mutilation of
"trans"-minded individuals to the emerging acceptance of pedophilia the
practitioners of which are now euphemistically called "minor
attracted persons." All such activity debases the
teleological value of family in producing the next
generation, essentially keeping future persons from being
born at all, and why this is considered an immediate form of
human sacrifice.
- Civilizations that have
practiced ritualistic religious sacrifice, such as the
Aztecs cutting the hearts out of victims and holding them up
to their god. History is rife with such. Parents
ritualistically sacrificing their own children is
particularly repulsive.
- Occult sacrifice.
- Slavery. Indeed any of
the following is truly some form of slavery. The most
commonly conceived form is holding someone under forced
labor with no pay.
- Exploitation of
anyone's labor with substandard pay, such as employment of
workers in a "sweat shop." *
Human trafficking. This practice is rampant throughout the
world, basically enslaving humans for sexual exploitation or
product distribution services.
Kidnapping. While quite
insignificant in the U.S, this crime is epidemic in other
parts of the world.
- Usury. Making a claim
on one's productive capacity by manipulating his coveting.
Fractional reserve banking administered by a central bank
such as the Federal Reserve does this.
- Engagement in
confidence operations. This can be the base "Gimme some
money up front here and you'll get more after I go get it"
kind of scam, or it can be as elaborate as a finely
sophisticated Wall Street fund management/investment
- Exploitation of one's
own victim status. Because so many feel such great pathos
about the unjustly victimized individual, that individual
frequently takes advantage of that by insisting on being
cared for by others. Putting oneself into bankruptcy then
claiming that it couldn't be helped is an example.
- Addictive
behavior. Being so obsessed with something to window-dress
one's sin that the consumption of said item slowly destroys
the individual.
- Sexual promiscuity. By
having a number of sexual partners, one takes a measure of
the substantive spiritual essence of another through
something that should reflect genuine intimacy. In the same
way he/she gives away part of their essence to another.
After a while, a great deal of the abuser's value is
stripped. Socially sanctioned homosexual activity, while no
worse than any other sexual abuse, is especially insidious
because the rank exploitation of one human by another is not
only so widely accepted but so energetically endorsed by the
World System's virulent media.
- Sporting events in
which the combatants are injured. When such contests end in
death such as those involving gladiator spectacles, it is
complete sacrifice. The popular sport most close to this
kind today is boxing.
Gambling. From where does one gain winnings but from others
convinced they can gain from others? Casino
operations rig the system so they automatically get a
substantive cut.
Reality shows and reality talk shows (common in the early
2000's were those hosted by Jerry Springer and Ricki Lake). These are nothing
less than invitations into voyeurism and expose those on
display to what really amounts to emotional and spiritual
- Self-mutilation.
This does include tattoos and body-piercings, but it is also
sex-change operations. Starving and purging, as well as
cutting are emotional issues related to this.
- Sado-masochism.
Harming oneself or others for the simplest pleasure.
Physical dismemberment.
Some may be so emotionally disturbed that they cut off parts
of a body, even if their very own.
Physical torture. Often powerful government entities have
employed this for any number of reasons. Today it seems to
be acceptable for the purpose of acquiring information from
terrorism-minded individuals. Declared "not-quite-torture"
techniques such as water-boarding and sleep deprivation are
just as much torture as anything else.
- Internecine military activity, destabilizing covert operations, and
weaponized food distribution resulting in malnutrition and
- Institutionalized medication
augmentation, whether from prescription meds slowly
destroying the body or brain or illicit drugs leading to
increased addiction.
- Promotion of foods, beverages, and medications
that worsen health and gradually lead to death by cancer and heart disease.
Discouraging people from committing to healthy lifestyle
habits like proper diet and regular exercise is also a factor in this vein.
- Unchecked pollution leading to
harmful contaminants inhaled or ingested causing chronic
Psychological terrorism. Any kind of emotionally
manipulative behavior qualifies: passive-aggressive
activity, codependent shaming, steamrolling, gaslighting —
from the smallest home to the highest ivory tower where it
is exhibited just as proficiently. Witch hunts are a
prevelant sort of this terrorism, and they frequently don't
even involve witches but just those tarred with some kind of
negative attribute. Ironically witch hunts against those
who do know about and speak against the very real evils
that witchcraft produces is also a form of this
- Racketeering. Anything involving
bribery or extortion — in
fact it is almost the standard way of business for most
commercial operations now and takes so many
legitimate-looking forms. One of the most insidiously
manipulative ways this happens is powerful financiers eff
with the values of assets, particularly real estate, in
order to ultimately "take those things off their hands."
This often involves driving people from homes or
- Penance is a form of
masochistic sacrifice — the idea that pleasing a god must
come from enduring some painful self-inflicted treatment. This is one of the more pronounced modes of absolution,
reflected in some form by all world religions.
Internment as punishment. Indeed virtually every form of
state sanctioned penalty such as fines or "community
service" could be considered a form of partial sacrifice.
- Tax
and tithe confiscations. A church that demands tithes is
appealing to the law, is using guilt as a manipulative
device, and is doing the very same thing a potentate does
when extracting tribute from his constituents.
- Debasing the currency. Money
is merely a tangible value assignment of a person's talents.
Inflation frequently if not habitually initiated and
sustained by powerful political or financial interests is a
very real form of human sacrifice.
Codependence motivated philanthropy. Often proudly showcased
and encompassing billions of dollars, the key is keeping
people in a state of perpetual neediness for the purpose of
boasting about how giving people are. Related to this is the
very dicey value extraction practice of excessive profits,
which in far too many cases is not much different from
usury. The Bible even mentions this kind of exploitation,
and the fact that there are even such entities as
"non-profits" and hundreds of arcane laws swirling around it
means there is some meaningful conception of this. I do
believe this requires a more lengthy treatment.
- "Pork barrel" spending by a
legislature. Government offers hundreds of subsidies of some
form to engender dependence. Those payouts are funded from
tax revenues carved from the productive capacity of the
Wealth redistribution policies. Always considered a
government operation, the Roman church and banking system do
it as well. All in the name of "doing good."
Current receipt social security programs. Many years ago
pagan cultures endorsed child sacrifice. Social Security is
nothing other than partial child sacrifice when the older
population forces its younger population to finance their
"retirement." This could be considered just as much human
sacrifice against the elderly when younger persons
themselves abrogate their own reasonable responsibilities
for caring for elderly parents because they consider that
government will. This is not even to mention the
administrative failures of the program itself because it is
wholly socialist to begin with.
- Raising revenue through
litigation to provide services to those injured by
defendants. This is the case during the 1990's with the
tobacco settlement in which states received hundreds of
billions of dollars from tobacco companies in order to
provide medical care for lung cancer patients. For the state
to continue to provide nice things for its people, it must
continue to have people smoking so the tobacco companies can
keep paying for the white hats and horses of the white
knight government agents in order to save the people from
their own destruction.
Subsidy programs that unjustly favor some commercial
interests over others, distorting the incentives of proper
value transfer and shifting
monies from one party to the other. Rent-seeking and rentier
behaviors fall into this category.
Spirit cooking. Relatively new, this is an occultic
"performance art" of human sacrifice known for its
attraction to some high profile political and entertainment
figures and the subject of some obsessive conspiracy
theorist debunkers.
Catastrophizing the imagination. A term borrowed from Tupper
Saussy, examples he cited were Pearl Harbor, the Kennedy
assassination, and 9/11. In 2020 it was the Covid-19
"pandemic." This is the deliberate arrangement of traumatic events
by deep political operatives, followed by
showcasing the spectacular destruction to rationalize popular support
for retributive actions that would result in more
casualties. It is human sacrifice in that the World devotee
is held in a state of suspended death, experiencing
raging fear for soul-crushingly extended periods of time.
- Excommunication. Some form of venomous
ostracism from the group is particularly
effective. Modern gangs have an adolescent form of this that goes so far as to
physically pummel those who leave the "tribe."
- Roman Catholic Mass.
Some may wonder why
anything in the second column qualifies as human sacrifice. Allow me to ask this
question. Say it takes three minutes for one primitive witch doctor to
ritualistically cut a victim's heart out on the altar to their god. When it
takes another witch doctor four minutes, is it any less human sacrifice? Why do
we presume that when it takes fifty years it just doesn't qualify?
Really, any time an individual peels off someone
else's value to secure protection from his fear, he's engaged in human
sacrifice. If a man is without Christ, he fears. If he fears, he does human
sacrifice in some way. Merely taking advantage of someone in the market —
using "dishonest weights and measures" —
is a declaration of one's devotion to
the Roman god Mercury who is not only the god of commerce but also the god of thieves. (Top
investment fund managers today will sometimes refer to their profession as
"value extraction.")
Many more forms of
human sacrifice are evident throughout the world and throughout history. This is
merely a partial listing. These are offered in stark contrast to what God asks
of us, that we be "holy and living sacrifices." The Catholicist version of
"self-sacrifice" is very different: the amplified pain of relinquishing
something for some recognition of piety in which loss is quietly resented. It
always results in seeking to have someone else sacrificed instead, almost always
through the means listed above.
God's version is rather the
demonstration of authentic compassion through sowing: joyfully seeking
the very best in another and generating ample gain for all in spite of any
apparent difficulties. As we fellowship with Christ, we are to "continually
offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that confess his name. And
do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God
is pleased." Therefore most of this kind of self-sacrifice is slow and
gradual, each day dying to self in some way to actually live out of love for
It must be noted again that
the only efficacious sacrifice that completely takes out one's sin —
evildoing, wickedness, all of it — is that offered by God
Himself in the
person of Jesus Christ.
(From the home page piece written for
March-April 2010:)
It is indeed the firmly unequivocal premise of
this website that
Human sacrifice
is a veritable and quite commonplace reality.
It is carried
out regularly and habitually by all who do not have The Son.
Those who ask
Caesar to be their lord will be provided the standard service of its full
operatives in the service of Cain’s legacy will use the most skillfully executed
arts of deception to keep it viable.
God allows it
in as much as it is part of His footstool, functioning to
ultimately steer
people away from it into Christ’s arms, or fulfill His purposes until the last day, or both.
Those who say
they’re Christ’s but sign binding pacts with Caesar designating his lordship
over their affairs are merely enlisting with the World and doing its work.
Many of those
Christians are simply fully immersed Catholicists sworn to do Caesar’s
legitimate work and are nowhere near the Kingdom.
Often those
individuals work in the highest levels of the World administering powerful political, ecclesiastical, and commercial
enterprises that are all about human sacrifice.
The only way out is complete abandonment to the
Jesus Christ of Scripture.
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Contemporary Human Sacrifice
Value Extraction
A Primer on the Meaning of Human Value
Catastrophizing the Imagination
Saussy page
Chapter 11 >> Chapter 12 >>
Chapter 13
Population control note: As you see, population control is merely one of the ways to have
human sacrifice: Make some excuse that there are too many people and then
rationalize some institutional action that would take out some of them. There is
not a population problem, there is a resources utilization problem. There would
be plenty of resources for every person on the planet if people would use
their gifts wisely and behave properly toward one another. But people can't
fully do that if they are still sinners. This is why Christ and His provision of
righteousness is so critical.
Undercutting wages note:
Interesting Scriptural parallel about this, one of the more common
forms of human sacrifice: In Genesis 4:10 after Cain has just
murdered Abel, God says "What have you done? Listen! Your brother's
blood cries out to me from the ground." In James 5:4, the word says,
"Look! The wages you failed to pay the workmen who mowed your fields
are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached
the ears of the Lord Almighty."
This page was originally posted by David Beck at on January 13, 2005
This page was updated on February 6, 2024