Okay, finally, for all who really want to know who's really at fault, here's the exhaustive list of all the Bad Guys who've really conspired to really wreck our lives and destroy our freedoms. We must make sure we are really really angry with them.
Adam Weishaupt AFL-CIO Agenda 21 sponsors (I believe it has now morphed into Agenda 2030) "A.I." anything, really the people feeding what it spits out or telling us how scared we're supposed to be about it Aleister Crowley Alex Jones and Infowars Alfred Kinsey Alice Bailey Allen Dulles Amazon.com American Civil Liberties Union American Israel Public Affairs Committee Ancient Order of Hibernians Anonymous hacktivists Anthony Fauci or other showcased scientists suggesting draconian measures to respond to a manufactured public health scare Anthony Levandowski and other prominent A.I. proponents Antifa Anton Lavey and the Church of Satan Antonio Gramsci Aquarians Archbishop of New York Arcturians, Andromedans, and other secret space alien humans Aspen Institute Atlantic Council Bank for International Settlements Bank of England Banking cartel (Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, etc) Barack Obama Beat generation figures (Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs, et al) Benjamin Creme and Maitreya Berkshire Hathaway Bernie Sanders and the legion of democratic socialists Big arms lobby Big data analytics firms like Palantir Big finance lobby Big gun lobby Big media conglomerates (Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, etc) Big oil lobby Big pharmaceutical lobby Big tech lobby Big tobacco lobby Bilderberg Group Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Billionaires funding political endeavors (Maurice Strong, George Soros, Koch brothers, et al) Black Lives Matter Black Nobility members who control global commerce BlackRock Blackstone Blackwater now known as Academi Bloomsbury Group Bohemian Club and Bohemian Grove British Royalty Business Roundtable Cabal of tight-knit Jews in strategic positions of power around the globe Cambridge Apostles Carlyle Group Cass Sunstein and other widely published apparatchiks enamored with the administrative state Cecil Rhodes Central Intelligence Agency Chatbot programmers who put out programs like ChatGPT Chatham House (Royal Institute of International Affairs) Clinton Foundation Club of Rome COINTELPRO Cold-hearted plutocratic members of Congress College professors indoctrinating the youth with things like Marxism Colonel Edward Mandell House Commercial 5G manufacturers Committee of 300 Common Purpose Commons Project Communist China Conspiracy theory debunkers who debunk straw-man conspiracy theories to direct attention from what System factualists know Conspiracy theory nutballs who must be vigorously shouted down in all mainstream media outlets for challenging the authorized narrative Consulting firms like McKinsey, Bain, and Boston Consulting Group Council for Inclusive Capitalism Council on American-Islamic Relations Council on Foreign Relations Covert Psy-Ops (Psychological Operations) Critical Theory proponents such as those associated with the Institute for Social Research at Goethe University Crony capitalism enablers such as Vanguard, State Street, Capital Group, Amundi, Wellington, Pimco... Crown Council of 13 families that are the ones who actually dominate everything Cryptocurrency administrators and manipulators Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Dark money organizations like Arabella Advisors and ActBlue David Spangler Deep politics operatives who are essentially building Skynet (the A.I. system that takes over the world in the film Terminator) Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Department of Homeland Security Digital Forensic Research Lab Donald Trump Drug cartel kingpins Drug Enforcement Administration and their war on drugs Earth Charter & Earth Summit sponsors Elon Musk European Union Fabian Society Fact checkers like Snopes Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal Bureaucracy Federal Court System Federal government bailout operations like the FDIC Federal Reserve System Federal Trade Commission Federalist Society Fidel Castro or other Latin American leaders (Vicente Fox, Hugo Chavez, et al) Fifth column organizers, fifth column operatives, and fifth column members who blindly follow them Food and Drug Administration Ford Foundation Foreign investors Fox News Frankfurt School Freemasonry General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade sponsors General Motors Georg Hegel and consensus George Gascon and district attorneys reluctant to prosecute people particularly victims of systemic oppression Georgetown University GLAAD, GLSEN, and other powerful LGBTQ advocacy organizations Golden Triangle Universities (Oxford, Cambridge, etc) Goldman Sachs Google, Twitter, or other extraordinarily monolithic, rent-glomming, data mining companies Google Jigsaw "Great Reset" promoters "Green New Deal" sponsors Greenpeace Guggenheim, Schiff, Warburg families HAARP operators (High Frequency Active Auroral Research, a program to manipulate weather) Harvard and its ultraliberal faculty Health Advanced Research Projects Agency Helen Blavatsky Henry Kissinger Henry Luce family Herbert Marcuse Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn Howard Zinn and any who rewrite history in unfavorable ways Ibram X. Kendi, Robin DiAngelo, and other best-selling race-hustlers Illuminati Institute of Pacific Relations Institutional Shareholder Services Intelligence community Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change International Institutions and Global Governance Internal Revenue Service International Monetary Fund INTERPOL Islamic terrorist groups such as al Qaeda "Islamofascist" countries such as Syria or Iran Israeli deep ops Jeff Bezos Jeffrey Epstein John Dewey John Maynard Keynes John Rawlings Rees Julian Huxley Justice Democrats, Brand New Congress, and their main policy spokesperson Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez KGB (Soviet/Russian police agency) Klaus Schwab Knights of Columbus Knights of Malta Knights of Pythias Knights Templar Ku Klux Klan and white supremacy groups Kyoto Protocol sponsors Larry Silverstein and any who may be exploiting 9/11 Lazard Freres brothers League to Enforce Peace Led Zeppelin Leo Strauss and the Neocons (Neoconservatives) Liberal court judges Liberal eastern establishment Liberal education elite Liberal media London School of Economics Lucius Trust Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook Marx, Darwin, and Freud Mikhail Gorbachev Military-industrial complex Monsanto and any unabashed food modification company Mossack Fonseca Mossad Moveon.org National Education Association National Insitutes of Health National Organization of Women or other organized radical feminists National Rifle Association National Security Agency New World Order New York Times and Washington Post Noam Chomsky North America Free Trade Agreement North Atlantic Treaty Organization Office of Strategic Services Open Society Foundation Operation Gladio Operation Mockingbird Operation Northwoods Operation Something-With-a-Harmless-Sounding-but-Still-Sinister-Looking-Title carried out by some bad-ass covert ops somewhere Opus Dei Order of the Garter Order of the Quest Ordo Templi Orientis Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Oxford University orders and groups Pandemic response exercise architects (Event 201, Clade X, Dark Winter, Atlantic Storm) Parapsychology research operations like Project MKULTRA Patriot Act legislators and enforcers People for the American Way Peter Drucker and human management Planned Parenthood Plutocrat-funded political shakedown organizations led by young, intelligent, dedicated, socialism-obsessed Ivy Leaguers Pope Poynter Institute and its PolitiFact and International Fact-Checking Network Prescott Bush President of the U.S. President's Working Group on Financial Markets Priory of Sion Private companies that are actually extraordinarily well-connected NGOs with dark-state quasi-paramilitary capability Private equity firms that needlessly destroy good companies Project Echelon Project for the New American Century Protocol of the Elders of Zion writers and distributors, or those who believe what they wrote Puritan Victorian busy-body moralists QAnon members Radical environmentalists Radically liberal members of Congress Ramsey Clark RAND Corporation Religious right-wing moralists (Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, et al) Reptilian potentates such as members of the British royal family or anyone in power doing the work of the deceiving serpent Reverend Moon network Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven Robert McNamara and those caught up in the fog of war Rockefellers and the Rockefeller Foundation Rosecrucians Rothschild family and bank Round Table cabal Rupert Murdoch (or any other excessively influential high profile media mogul) Russian deep ops doing nefarious things like messing with US elections Saturnalian Brotherhood Saul Alinsky and young Alinskyite community organizers Saurians and other secretly reptilian humans Scroll and Key Securities and Exchange Commission Sexually exploitive Roman Catholic priests and the powerful prelates who know about it and let them get away with it Shell company millionaires hiding or laundering money Sierra Club Skull and Bones Society Social Security Administration Socialist Parties or Internationals of which there are many Society of Jesus (Jesuits) Southern Poverty Law Center Special Presidential Envoy for Climate Students for Democratic Society Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Victoria Nuland, and other notable female technocrats running things out there Sustainable development goal-setters (UN's Agenda 2030) Sympathizers of some rejected ideology still finding a place in the mainstream Tavistock Institute Tech companies pushing artificial intelligence Tech companies pushing transhuman technologies Theodor Adorno Theosophical Society Think tanks that set agendas (Brookings, Cato, Heritage, or whatever others with pronounced ideological bents) Thule Society Tides Foundation Timothy Leary Tony Blair Trilateral Commission UN Secretary-General United Ancient Order of Druids United Nations and UNESCO United Order of the Golden Cross US Agency for Global Media Vatican Vaxxers who openly revile anti-vaxxers Very well-connected mob bosses Vladimir Putin Wall Street financiers who secretly fund revolutionaries, Communists, Fascists (hedging bets on both sides of any conflict) Weather Underground Wellcome Trust and Wellcome Leap Westboro Baptist Church sign-wavers Westcott and Hort and any other officially designated translators who bastardized the words of the pure KJV version of the Bible Whichever particularly influential person or group with the power to teach loathsome things to the gullible citizenry White nationalists Working Group on Financial Markets World Bank World Court World Economic Forum attendees at Davos World Health Organization World Trade Organization Zbigniew Brzezinski Zionist IsraelFinally, mention must be made of the thousand or so extraordinarily powerful World Operatives who are so good at what they do that to appear on this list would be an insult to them and their deft ability to sustain brilliantly opaque obscurity. ***
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The Distinction Between The World and The Kingdom
The Establishment of the Bad Guy Network
The Ways People Respond to the Network
The Current Coordinator of the Network
Chapter 10 >> Chapter 11 >> Chapter 12
This page was originally posted by David Beck at yourownjesus.net on June 4, 2006 This page was updated by David Beck at yourownjesus.net on August 30, 2023 |